Free Domain Name Generator

Our Domain Name Generator will help you search for new company name ideas and get the domain name instantly (before someone else does).
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How Our Domain Name Generator Works

Our domain name generator tool is powered by Nameboy, the original domain name generator started in 1999. Here’s how the tool works.

Step 1: Enter your domain name idea

You can specify one or two words in the search box. You can also use this tool as a business name generator, website name generator, company name generator, URL generator, etc.

Step 2: Generate dozens of domain name ideas almost instantly

After you hit Submit, a lot of domain name ideas will pop up instantly.

Step 3: Register your domain name right away

Pick the perfect domain name from the list and register it right away by clicking on View Details. We have worked out a deal, so you can get a free .com or .net domain name by hosting it with Bluehost.

Domain Name Ideas: How to Choose the Best One

IsItWP’s domain name generator is great at suggesting a lot of domain name ideas, and sometimes a lot of choices can be overwhelming for beginners. To help with that, we have created some recommended best practices for choosing the best domain name.

Let’s take a look at the best practices for choosing the right domain name.

1. Choose a Brandable Domain Name

One of the questions we get asked is: when choosing a domain name, should you go for a brandable domain name or a generic one?

A generic domain name is usually keyword stuffed and unmemorable, like copywritingtweaks.com or killercopywriting.com.

On the other hand, a brandable domain name helps you easily stand out from the competition. Plus, your users will find it easier to remember your website. For example: ProBlogger.com or OptinMonster.com. When you hear the name, you know there’s a trustable brand attached to it.

While it’s true that including a keyword in your domain name can have a positive impact on SEO. However, stuffing your domain name with keywords in the hope of increasing your ranking can also negatively impact your SEO efforts.

To avoid getting penalized, it’s in your best interest to purchase a brandable domain name and make your URLs readable, like “brandname.com/topic-topic”.

2. Make It Easy to Remember

Make sure your domain name is easy to type and remember. It’s important to remove confusing items from your domain name like using odd spellings, hyphens, numbers, and other characters.

A few techniques you can use to generate new domain name ideas are:

  • Merge two terms: Create a domain name by merging two different terms. This is probably the only affordable solution to find the perfect domain name that’s actually available.
  • Refer your dictionary: Generate common alternatives for your domain names using thesaurus, synonyms, and antonyms.
  • Character count: Ideally, your domain name should be short and simple. Aim for a name that’s less than 16 characters.

3. Choose the Right Domain Name Extension

.com. is the most popular domain extension, so most people’s first assumption for your website will be [yourbrandname].com. Additionally, a .com domain is easy to type from mobile devices because most onscreen keyboards come with a .com button.

If you choose a different TLD / extension, you will have to do extra work to get people to remember it.

Although you can find many established websites with different extensions, we highly recommend you choosing .com because it’s the safer bet.

That being said, even if you’ve come up with a long list of domain name ideas, chances are you’ll find that your preferred .com is already taken.

In that case, you can go for .net or .org. If they’re also not available, then you should brainstorm for new domain name ideas.

4. Make Sure You can Legally Own the Domain Name You Choose

Did you know that domain names that cause confusion over similar registered trademark can be cited for trademark infringement?

If your domain name conflicts with any one of the millions of existing trademarks, then you risk losing it. So, before purchasing a domain name, the rule of thumb is to double check if it conflicts with any trademarks and make sure you can legally own the domain name you choose.

5. Go for Alternatives if Your Perfect Domain Name is Taken

What if the domain name you desire is already taken?

Well, it is not the end of the world. If you really want to get that domain name, then check whether it’s in use. If there’s no website or the domain name is parked, then chances are the owner has an intention to sell it later on.

Look for the contact information of the owner on that parked website. If that’s not available, then you can conduct a WHO.is search to get the owner’s email address. Once you get the email address, you’ll need to negotiate with the owner to purchase the domain name.

Of course, purchasing a parked domain name is going to be costly. If you think that you can’t afford a parked domain, then the last thing you should do is misspelling the name.

Think of Fiverr.com, Flickr.com, Tumblr.com. These are some successful domain names that are misspelled.

Why Use a Domain Name Generator?

Choosing the perfect domain name is a tedious and time-consuming process. You’ll need to come up with a list of names and then check if they’re actually available one-by-one until you find a match. And if you don’t, chances are you’ll end up choosing a mediocre domain name for your website that fails to make a positive first impression.

This is where a domain name generator comes in.

A domain name generator helps you save you time by automatically generating a lot of domain name ideas for your brand. All you need to do is specify your idea by submitting one or two keywords. You’ll get dozens of available ideas instantly.

Some benefits of a domain name generator are:

  • Generate more descriptive or suitable domain name ideas than you can think of.
  • Check availability of your preferred domain names quickly and easily. Word combinations, rhymes, and random suggestions will pop up.
  • Register your domain name right away before someone else does it.

We hope this guide helped you choose the best domain name for your business.

Now go ahead and choose your next domain name.

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